13-14th of May, 2025; Baghdad, IRAQ
GASES 2025
International Forum of Global Advances in Sustainable Environment, Energy, and Earth Sciences
Peer Review and Ethics

Review Procedure

Manuscripts that:

  • Have not been published elsewhere,
  • Demonstrate clear scientific novelty,
  • Align with the conference theme,
  • Have both theoretical and practical significance,

are eligible for submission. Every manuscript undergoes a double-blind peer review by at least two independent experts in the relevant field.

Review Criteria

  1. Novelty: Does the article present enough new material to warrant publication?
  2. Scientific Soundness: Is the research methodologically sound and accurate?
  3. Introduction: Does the paper include a comprehensive general introduction?
  4. Clarity: Is the article written clearly, concisely, and understandably?
  5. Relevance to Conference Quality: Do the topic and style align with the standards expected by major Web of Conferences publications?
  6. Length Appropriateness: Is the article of sufficient length (in accordance with the specified minimum)?
  7. Language Quality: Does the paper require linguistic editing (if written in English or Russian)?
  8. Impact: Will the article generate interest and contribute to progress within the scientific community?

The Organizing Committee carries the primary responsibility for recommending acceptance or rejection of the article. The final decision, however, is made by the Publisher. Editors of Web of Conferences also reserve the right to decline articles that fall below quality standards or do not match the scope of the publication.

Note: Articles submitted in English will undergo an additional language check by native speakers before the peer review process.

Publication Ethics

The GASES Conference Series Organizing Committee maintains strict standards of academic integrity and publication ethics, guided by the principles set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), UK. All editors, reviewers, and authors must adhere to the publication ethics described on the E3S Web of Conferences website.

Serious Violations

Any confirmed cases of data falsification, plagiarism, or other unethical practices will be investigated thoroughly. If a violation is confirmed at any stage, the manuscript is withdrawn from publication. In such cases:

  • The manuscript is not submitted to E3S Web of Conferences.
  • No refund of the registration fee is provided.

Random Screening: Before final publication, E3S Web of Conferences staff use iThenticate to check selected papers for originality.

No Amendments After Publication: Once an article is published in E3S Web of Conferences, no further changes can be made.